Sharebox s32

Outdoor, self-service key exchange kiosk for secure vehicle pick up and drop off

24/7 customer convenience

KEYper has partnered with Sharebox, a leading provider of self-service kiosks and digital solutions for the automotive industry, in providing effective, after-hours car handover solutions that suit the busy lives of your customers.

The systems are intuitive to use for staff and customers, with digitally verified and recorded transactions to ensure security and efficiency. Whether used as an after-hours solution for customers, or as a self-service option for customers seeking a more streamlined service experience, Sharebox systems deliver enhanced efficiency and increased customer satisfaction to any dealership. 

Sharebox s32 Self-Service Key ExchangeSharebox s32 Self-Service Key Exchange
  • 24/7 self service

    A fully automatic, standalone kiosk for exchanging vehicle keys, securely operated with SMS, web llink, QR code, or FOB

  • Leading in automotive

    Built and used by automotive dealerships, car rental companies, and service shops around the world

  • High quality

    With quality design and production, the steel frame and lockers are manufactured for long-lasting, secure operation

  • Easy installation

    Enjoy easy deployment and worry-free use in outdoor environments with wet, cold, and hot weather conditions

How it works

Each Sharebox system has secure and flexible access options to meet the needs of your customers and staff. Customers can access the system via SMS, web link, QR code, or FOB, with each transaction uniquely authenticated and recorded to ensure accurate audits of all activity.

Sharebox s32

  • Outdoor model available with 32 locker compartments
  • Designed for wet, cold, and hot weather conditions
  • Secure and anti-theft approved (certified EN 1143-1:2019 stand alone)
  • Active touchscreen and mobile-first interface for convenient self-service access
Sharebox s32 Self-Service Key ExchangeSharebox s32 Self-Service Key Exchange

Improve workflows and bottom-line revenue

Sharebox offers bi-directional communication with DMS providers, sharing information between your customers and your dealership management platform.

You can also utilize Sharebox's open API platform to control access within your applications, opening a world of possibilities in creating powerful new workflows to benefit your customers, and your business. 

Sharebox Integrations and APISharebox Integrations and API
    • Kiosks are delivered upright with a concrete base (Optionally lying horizontally, without concrete base)
    • Can be moved with a pallet jack on flat surfaces
    • Small crane needed to lift kiosk to upright position
    • Power (110-240V) and internet to be connected
    • Local mobile router can optionally replace cabled internet
    • Roof with lighted logo field in front ordered separately
    • Installed/bolted to concrete ground with expansion bolts
    • Alternatively, kiok can be bolted to a concrete wall with weight on ground
  • Kiosk dimensions (HxWxD):
    On base frame: 76.8 x 27.6 x 11.8"
    On concrete base: 79.7 x 39.4 x 24.2" 

    Kiosk weight:
    Kiosk: 738.6 lbs.
    Kiosk on concrete base: 1190.5 lbs. 

    No. of lockers: 32

    Locker dimensions (HxWxD): 2.4 x 2.2 x 3.9”

    Touch screen display size: 4.3” (optional size: 7”)

    Cabled Ethernet and LTE-M (2G l 3G l 4G)
    Ethernet, Wi-Fi, LTE Router (optional)

    Colors: Black, Grey, White. Custom colors optional

    Operation: Outdoor or indoor

    Operational Temp: -4-122°F

    Power supply: 110-240V 50-60Hz

    Power Consumption: 150 W

    • RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU
    • Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
    • Health & Safety EN 60950-:2006/A11:2009 /A1:2010 /A12:2011 /A2:2013
    • EN 62311:2008 magnetic fields (0Hz–300 GHz)
    • EMC (Art. 3(1)(b))
    • EN 55032:2012; EN55024:2010
    • SPECTRUM (Art. 3(2)): EN 300 328 v2.1.1
    • Materials used in the construction of the kiosk are mainly steel and will not contribute to a surrounding fire. Plastic parts inside kiosk will melt, but not burn.
  • The s32 kiosk is certified by RISE according to EN1143-1:2019

    Grade 0 (EU standard). It is also insurance approved by FG (Forsikringsselskapenes Godkjennelsesnevnd) and Danske Sikringsguiden SPCR 201.


    • All kiosks are remotely diagnosed and controlled in case of fault situations. The kiosk will alert operations center in case of malfunction, or any tilting or break-in attempts performed.
    • Software updates are done remotely. Kiosks under maintenance contract will receive yearly preventive maintenance.
    • Daily operations and removal of snow, dust, and other smaller objects to be performed by local operator (Sharebox customer).

Ready to learn more?

Get in touch with your KEYper representative to learn more about the right Sharebox solution for your business.

Automotive service representative is ready to schedule your personal demoAutomotive service representative is ready to schedule your personal demo