Choosing the best key control system for your business – Where to start? | KEYper Systems

How to find the ‘best’ key control system for your business

These are common factors that business owners should look for when assessing what their security requirements are, and where key control systems ‘sit’ within this process.

Key loss

One of the first things you should consider is how often keys are lost within your workplace, and how much this is costing you financially and emotionally. It’s frustrating enough to lose but how annoying would it be to lose a master or sub-master. If you rely on the latter, you could end up rekeying every door, lock, or cabinet in your business.

Access control

How much control do you need over your employees’ access rights? Are you dealing with dangerous items like firearms, which only trained officers should use? Do you need to ensure employees without a driving license don’t take the vehicles in your car dealership out for a spin? Then you need a system that only allows authorized staff members to use specific keys.

Automatic processes

One of the biggest benefits of modern key control programs is automating everyday tasks like the process of granting and revoking access rights. This will make your business more secure but also save you money on manual labor, reduce the risk of human error or free staff up for more creative roles.

Business productivity

Do you find that your employees are spending too much time looking for keys, or getting frustrated with the slow process of manually signing out keys or trekking across the workplace to access them. 

All of this could cause significant disruptions that ultimately put off customers. Automating these tasks can increase productivity.


If you believe that some staff members are using your assets irresponsibly but you’re not sure who, then you might benefit from a system that can track and log the use and movement of your keys. 

You will likely find that this will increase accountability in the workplace and encourage employees to use items more carefully.


If you have numerous different rooms, assets and customers in your portfolio, and they change regularly, you would be wise to invest in a tool that can streamline your key management. 

This way, you always know what items are in your inventory, and they are available, and can update it in just a few clicks.

Quality of customer service

In our modern world, customers want more and more convenience and you may therefore find that your current system cannot provide the right degree. 

For those working in car rentals, for example, allowing customers to pick up a set of keys whenever they want, including after the office has closed, may provide an unbeatable service.

Your response to crime

All industries, but particularly law enforcement agencies, need to respond to crime as quickly as possible. 

Our cabinets offer smart software that will alert you as soon as an employee has failed to return a vehicle or a firearm on time so that you can act immediately and reduce the chance of any serious harm occurring.

Why would a business need key control systems?

Let’s start with a definition. What is key control? The answer is: it’s a means of tracking your keys.

For those who work heavily with vehicles, like the automotive industry, the main benefit is preventing key loss, helping not only to reduce your stress levels but keep money in your pocket for longer. 

Given that cars can be weapons, tracking who uses assets and preventing the wrong people from accessing them can also increase employee and client safety. 

Our MX Electronic Key System keeps detailed records of every transaction, which could prevent car salesmen from driving recklessly during test drives as they know they will be held accountable if they crash or cause an accident.

Key control can also create a happier working environment for everyone by helping bread and butter tasks – like retrieving keys from storage or booking test drives – run more smoothly. 

Our cabinets offer an electronic inventory and a touch screen to make it easy and quick for authorized users to retrieve keys, even when you have thousands. LED lighting aids this by highlighting the physical location of a required key.

As well as driving efficiency in the workplace, another huge benefit is a more convenient worklife. Our products automate access control, reducing the time staff spend manually logging data, redirecting them towards more creative or problem-solving endeavors. 

It also lowers the risk of human error. A great example of this is an after-hours key management system allowing clients wanting to pick up car rental keys at a time that suits them best.

Don’t know what system to choose?

If you are looking to give your security system a shiny new look, but are not sure which tools are right for you, then look no further. 

We can help you identify your needs both as a unique business and as part of a changing sector so that you are always in the best position to tackle any challenges that might come your way.

We will also show you how our products can help you remain one step ahead of your competitors and continue to meet market demands.

On top of that, we’ll look at any vulnerabilities your business might currently face and how the right tool for you can fit into and enhance your existing security system.

We’ll then provide a test run of your new product, teaching your employees how to get the most out of it every day.