BLOGHow do after hours key management systems work?

How do after hours key management systems work?

Improving internal security for any business is an ongoing process

It’s a 24/7 world we live in these days, which can be a blessing and a curse for businesses. With the opportunity to sell, hire or provide goods round-the-clock, comes the burden of extra staffing and security. That’s where security and management tools like after-hours key pick up boxes come in.

These are systems that help protect your items when everyone has clocked out, allowing you to continue delivering a service to customers without anyone needing to work unsociable hours. If you’re wanting to boost your business or expand the services you offer within your industry, then an after-hours key management system can help you do just that.

In the automotive industry, for example, an after-hours key pick up and drop off box offers fantastic protection and reliability at all times so that customers can collect and return keys when most convenient for them, even if it’s after you and your workers have left for the day. Our KEYper Service Express 24, for example, keeps on working for you and your company no matter the time. The SE24 is a 24-hour automated key box dispensing system that operates much like an ATM, and is quick and easy to use for both you and your customers.

5 ways that after hours key management systems can evolve your business security 

  1. Automate key pick up
    Do you have a car rental business? If yes, then chances are many of your customers will be tourists traveling from out of town. Maybe they’ve caught an early or late flight, or their train or bus journey has been delayed. You can help make their journey less stressful while feeling confident that your assets are protected after hours with our SE24.
  2. Automate key drop off
    Just like with their arrival, those same customers might be returning home after your standard working hours. They may have a late-night flight and want to do some last-minute sightseeing before catching it. Allowing them to drop off the keys to a rental car at their convenience will make their travels all the more enjoyable and comfortable.
  3. Only allow authorized staff to access keys
    Maybe you run a delivery service or a transport and logistics company with employees working early hours or late at night when no-one else is around. An after-hours key control policy gives you total control over your assets while offering the flexibility that employees need to pick up and drop off keys for deliveries. Our key box software offers a single administrator code giving you full access to software functions. Managers can limit access to employees with the relevant licenses or training to drive their vehicles via 10 service advisor codes.
  4. Make your after-hours key management system weather-resistant
    Any business that works in the tourist industry, including car rentals, has to contend with the weather. They require an after-hours pick up box that can cope with all types of weather, from rain, dust, vibration, humidity and high temperatures, as tourists visit the area all year round. The KEYper SE24 key box has the strength to withstand all that.
  5. Set up a back-up system to prevent power loss panic
    Perhaps you have a car rental business and want to save customers the stress of being stranded in an unfamiliar place at the dead of night when they can’t pick up their vehicle keys due to power loss. Or they have to catch the last flight of the night and can’t afford to wait around until the power comes back on to drop off their keys. Luckily, the SE24 can remember all advisor codes, pincodes and message screens until the power comes back on.

Why is after hours key management so important?

After hours – when no one is watching – is the prime time for criminals to attack companies. They don’t need to sneak past employees, or worry as much about potential witnesses, while they carry out their nefarious deeds. It can be devastating for a business owner to open up the following morning only to find someone has broken into their premises, smashed it to pieces, and snatched the most valuable assets while they were away. That is why it is vital to assess your security requirements, and ensure there are no vulnerabilities in your systems when everyone has left for the day.

Failing to stay on top of your after-hours key management could not only leave you with huge replacement and repair bills for both theft and criminal damage, but with heartache and heaps of stress, too. But it’s not just about security either. You should also consider the gaps in your company’s services. As life becomes busier, could you help make it more convenient for customers by giving them the flexibility to use your services, like the ability to pick up and drop off keys, at a time that suits them best? In this stressful world, people will likely spend more for an easier life.

Transform your after hours key management systems with KEYper

Our after-hours key management products will help you enjoy a peaceful sleep and time away from the workplace without worrying about the security of your assets. It is so important to assess and actively improve upon your after-hours key management systems to ensure your products, customers and employees remain secure at all times. The latest tools can help deter thugs and thieves as darkness falls, and save you devastating repair and replacement costs, as well as a bucketload of worry.

Safety isn’t the only issue at hand – our tools can help you offer easy-to-use and convenient key pick up and drop off boxes for customers and employees to make life easier for everyone. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, we can review your current after hours needs, and begin helping you build the best system for your business.  After all, you deserve to rest easy when the day is done, knowing your key management system will continue to work for you.