How to protect your business from unauthorized access breaches

Security is one of the most important aspects of any business

Without a robust and reliable system in place, your people, your premises, your assets, and your future, are all at risk. One of the biggest threats organizations continually face is unauthorized access breaches. Unauthorized access refers to an employee or member of the public entering an area of the premises that is off-limits to them. These types of security breaches can result in accidental or unlawful destruction, theft or harassment of staff. It is therefore vital we do all we can to prevent them from happening.

6 ways to protect your business from unauthorized access breaches

  1. Electronic key cabinets
    If keys are central to your business then electronic keys cabinet should be central to your security strategy. KEYper Systems' 16-gauge powder-coated steel cabinets provide the highest level of protection, helping prevent unauthorized access to facilities where classified information or valuable assets are stored. Furthermore, they retain a 24/7 audit trail for total accountability, offer flexible access options, and can be wall-mounted or configured as a free-standing system.
  2. Mechanical key cabinets
    If electronic key cabinets aren't a suitable option for your business, then a mechanical alternative may be the way forward. Offering the same supreme protection as their electronic counterparts, KEYper's Mechanical Key Control system delivers a simple and economical solution for managing keys, allowing you to quickly identify who removed each item from the tamper-resistant seal.
  3. Access control
    When it comes to restricting or allowing entry to a certain area or building, access control systems don't end with key management, as important as they are. From the physical – barriers, turnstiles, doors and gates; to the digital – card scanners, fingerprint scanners, passwords; a lot of these elements will form the foundation of most security strategies. 
  4. Alarm systems
    Intruder alarms are designed to detect unwanted movements around your property.  Not only will they alert the authorities quickly in the event of a break-in, the sight of them alone can deter criminals from targeting a premises. On top of providing an added layer of security to your business, they will also help reduce insurance premiums.
  5. CCTV
    For one of the ultimate security deterrents out there, look no further than CCTV. Closed circuit television cameras now come in a range of sizes and operating systems making them suitable for any business. As well as a deterrent against theft and vandalism, they can also help staff, customers, and the general public feel safe and secure. 
  6. Security guards
    Thieves are bound to think twice if they see a team of security personnel patrolling the perimeter of a premises. Trained guards bring a heightened sense of security to a business, ready to respond immediately to any situation that may arise. 

How do you stop an unauthorized access breach from occurring?

Preventing unauthorized access breaches should be right at the top of any business owner's mind. Devising and implementing security strategies may take time and cost money, but the time and money they will save you in the long run could end up proving priceless. One the most common ways in which physical security breaches occur is through intruders using stolen or lost keys to enter via a locked door. 

If there's one thing we've all done at some point in our lives, it's misplace a set of keys. This might not matter too much at home where there's only family who could possibly pick them up. But in a workplace, where there could be hundreds of people passing through corridors and rooms every hour, the consequences could be far more serious. KEYper Systems not only recognises this threat, but has spent years developing and manufacturing key management systems that are safe, secure and easy to use.

We are fully committed to providing the best solutions in key management and storage systems, and our cabinets – electronic and mechanical – not only ensure your keys are protected at all times; they create greater accountability throughout the workforce.  

Does my business need a key management system?

KEYper Systems works across a variety of industries – from local government and law enforcement, to the automotive industry and education sector. The fact is, if your business deals with a large number of keys, and looks after valuable assets, then the implementation of a key management system is a discussion worth having. If you have any questions, contact us via live chat so we can get back to you as soon as possible.