Database Access Authorization

KEYper Systems Support Staff can utilize data access of your KEYper Key Management systems to provide support and diagnostic troubleshooting.  KEYper Systems Support offers 3 methods of Access for you select from:

  1. Unattended Access – KEYper Systems can access the database without assistance from the end user.
  2. Attended Access – KEYper Systems can access the database only when the end user is present.
  3. No Access – KEYper Systems will have no access to the system(s) database

End users can work with KEYper Systems support staff at anytime to modify the default Database Access Setting.  If you need further clarification of the above options, please contact KEYper Systems Support Staff.  If at any time you wish to change the default setting of your KEYper Key Management system, please contact a member of the KEYper Systems Support Staff.

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